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Exhibitions at the moment
At the moment I'm part of 1 exhibition:
""KKV visits Halmstad" a group exhibition at Gallery Najaden in Halmstad, Sweden
More exhibitions are planned for 2025 - See more under "Coming exhibitions"
Member of Grafiska Sällskapet (GS) in Sweden.
I´m happy and proud to be selected as a member of Grafiska Sällskapet (the Swedish Printmakers´ Association).

My latest experiments:
Recently I have experimented with printmaking on different materials.
For instance printing rust print or using old Tetrapaks from f.i yoghurt milk or juice, where I shrinkled them, inked them and printed them. I'm also testting to paint with aquarelle colours on a copperplate and print the plate. It's very spontaneous. Quite fun experiments.

Rustprint - added printing with an inked fotopolymer plate.

Rustprint - added printing with an inked fotopolymer plate.
Promotional video: for "Low key stories" from Bel Adore
It has been a privilege to be chosen for doing the cover artwork as well as being a part of the promotional video for my friend Andreas Alm and the latest singe "Low key stories" that is to be found on both Spotify and YouTube. The video is shot, directed and produced by Mattias Hildingh in the print studio of KKV NV Skåne in Ängelholm
(KKV = Konstnärernas Kollektiv Verkstad / Artist Collective Print Studio Association) where I do my printmaking work.
Cover artwork: for "Low key stories" from Bel Adore