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Previous exhibitions

44th MiniPrint International Exhibition Cadaques 2024 in Cadaques, Spain

During July - September I was a part of the juried MiniPrint Exhibition in Cadaques in Spain. The exhibition carried on to Wingfield Barnes, Surrex in United Kingdom and during November to January 2025 at Gallery L´Etang d´Art in Bages, Narbonne in France. The opening was in Taller Galeria Fort in Cadaques at June 29th.


7th International Miniprint Cantabria 2024 Exhibition in Santander, Spain

I had two mini prints, "The road to future" and "What future?" in this jurored exhibition in Centro de Arte Faro Cabo Mayor in Santander open between September and throughout December.


Minigrafik in Lindesberg, Sweden

during December 2024

I participated in an exhibition showing Mini Prints with printmakers from ÖLG (Örebro Läns Grafikgrupp). It was held in Lindesbergs Exhibition Hall, outside Örebro between December 7th to  January 7th.

Julsalong at New Kulturhuset / Library in Höganäs during December 2024

During December I was part of the exhibition in New Kulturhuset/Library in Höganäs together with artists from KullaKonstnärer. 

KKAM Museum in Höganäs December 2024

During December I was part of the exhibition "KKV visar grafik" where printmakers from KKV Nv Skåne in Ängelholm showed printmaking on paper at KKAM Museum.

The exhibition continued throughout December.

2nd Mini Print Internacional Galicia 2024

3 of my prints have been selected by the jurors of the 2nd Mini Print Internacional Galicia 2024. The exhibition started in Sala de Expositions da Casa da Cultura in Cangas, Galicia at September 6th and continued in other venues in Galicia until mid December.

KONTUR, Copenhagen, Denmark during November 2024.

During November I participated in a membership exhibition with other printmakers from Grafiska Sällskapet (the Swedish Printmakers Association) in the exhibition hall at Danske Grafiker (the Danish Printmakers Association) in Copenhagen. The exhibition was open from November 1st and continued to November 24th.

Cultureweek "Ljusa stunder" October/November in Ängelholm, Sweden

During culture week in Ängelholm we, printmakers at KKV NV Skåne had an Exhibition in Galleri Kronohäktet, Tingstorget, Ängelholm during Ängelholm Cultureweek. The exhibition showed printmaking in different techniques.

23rd LESSEDRA World Art Print Annual in Sofia, Bulgaria in June - September 2024

From June 11th - September 30th the 23rd LESSEDRA jurored exhibition will take place in Lessedra Art Gallery in Sofia. I participated

with 2 prints as one of the two Swedish printmakers selected. Totally more than 400 applicants of were 187 from 31 countries worldwide were selected by the jurors. The Grand Opening was at June 11th.

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Större blad - a printexhibition in Kumla Konsthall, Sweden

During mid July printmakers in ÖLG (Örebro Längs Grafikgrupp) from Örebro region, exhibited our printmaking at Kumla Exhibitionhall between July 19th to August 19th 2024.

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"14 på utflykt" artexhibition at Karantänen Exhibitionhall in Helsingborg, Sweden

During July 20th and August 4th 2024, the artist group Kullakonstnärer, from northwest Skåne, showed our art at Karantänen Exhibitionhall in Helsingborg.

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12th Miniprint Kazanlak, Bulgaria 2024

I was chosen by the jurors to the 11th Miniprint International exhibition in Kazanlak, Bulgaria during the summer. The exhibition opened June 1st and continued to August 31st.


Kullakonstnärer at Blå Hallen in Höganäs. Sweden July 2024

The artist group Kullakonstnärer will exhibit from Friday 26th to Sunday 28th at Blå Hallen.

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7th FIIC 2024 "Luci della Ribalta"

in Trento, Italia

"bara BLÅTT"

at Kronohäktet in Ängelholm May 2024

My print "After awakening" etat I was part, as the only Swedish printmaker, of this exhibition. It was selected as one of the 8 finalists of the jurored competition at the exhibition of 2024 Festival Internazionale di Incisione Contemporanea. More than 200 applicants and 30 were selected to be a part of 7th FIIC 2024. The exhibition were open between May 16th and June 16th.

"Bara Blått" was an exhibition with fellow artists from KKV Nv Skåne at Galleri Kronohäktet between May 24th and June 2nd.

There were printmaking on paper, oil paintings, ceramics and textileprints. The opening was at Thursday evening 17.00 - 20.00


Exhibition with Lis Kläpp & Gunnar Nilmén at Limhamns Konsthall, Sweden 2024

I was invited to exhibit my prints during April in Limhamns Exhibition Hall together with painter Lis Kläpp.

Opening with vernissage was at Saturday April 6th. The exhibition continued to April 28th.


Konstrundan 2024 Northwest Skåne, Sweden

The main exhibition was in Landskrona Exhibition Hall where all participants showed one piece of art

and my own exhibition were in Mölle Stationshus in Mölle between Friday March 29th to April 7th.


Escape Plan 1984/24, Athens, Greece 2024

​I was chosen by the jurors as the only Swedish printmaker to the international printmaking exhibition "Escape Plan 1984/2024" at the Athens Printmaking Art Center in Athens. 

41 printmakers from 10 different countries around the world were chosen. The exhibition was open March 1st to April 7th 2024.

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Easter exhibition 2024 Limhamn, Sweden

14 selected artists showed their art during the local was Easter artevent in Limhamns Konsthall in Limhamn, Skåne, Sweden

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Södertälje Gamla Rådhus in Södertälje, Sweden

During March I was a part of a membership exhibition with members   of Grafiska Sällskapet (The Swedish Printmakers Association) in  Södertälje Old Council Hall between March 9th - 24th 2024.


MELLANRUM in March 2024

A groupexhibition with fellow artists from KKV Nv Skåne (Konstnärernas Kollektivverkstad Northwest Skåne) at Gallery Kronohäktet in Ängelholm, Sweden between March 1st to Sunday March 10th.

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22nd Mini Print International Exhibition 2024 at Menino Arts Center in Boston, MA in USA

My etchings "Landscape" and "Looking out" were selected by the jurors of this 22nd international exhibition in

Ithaca, New York that continued at Menino Art Centre in Boston, MA in the United States. The exhibition started at Februari 5th and continued to March 3rd.

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9th International Triennial of Graphic Arts Sofia 2023 in Sofia, Bulgaria

My three prints "Before awakening", "Awakening" and "A new dawn, a new day, a new life" have all three been selected for this jurored exhibition that talks place every third year at the Gallery of the Union of Bulgarian artists in Sofia. The grand opening was at December 5th and the exhibition closed January 31st 2024 and continued during 2024 in several places in Bulgaria during summer..


Groupexhibition in Aguimes, Gran Canaria in November/December 2023

A groupexhibition with members from The Swedish Printmakers Association between November 17th - December 27th in Salle de Cultura in Aguimes, Gran Canaria.


6th Mini Print International Cantabria 2023 in Santander, Spain

My works were chosen by the jurors of the 6th International Miniprint Exhibition at Centre del Arte Faro Cabo Mayor in Santander, Cantabria. The Exhibition opened at Friday September 1st and continued til December 31th.

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1st IBMB-Bitola 2023 during November/December 2023

I was specially invited outside the jurors competition, to the 1st International Biennal of Miniature Art Graphics and Drawings Bitola 2023-exhibition in KIC-Cultural Center of Bitola in Macedonia, that is a juried exhibition. from  November 15th to December 15th.


2nd International Printmaking Biennial

"Mitrovica Print 2023"

Two of my pictures were selected by the jurors for the 2nd International Printmaking Biennial "Mitrovica Print 2023W in Mitrovica, Kosovo. 

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5th International Printmaking Triennial in Belgrade, Serbia October/November

My print "A new dawn, a new day, a new life" etat III was selected by the jurors to participate in this printmaking tr(by ULUS - The Association of Fine Artists of Serbia).  The exhibition was open

in Belgrade between October 14th - November 7th.

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Christmas exhibition in Kronohäktet, Ängelholm

The last exhibition for 2023 with fellow artists from KKV Northwest Skåne in Ängelholm. We showed local art, handcrafted objects and design during 3 weekends starting Friday December 1st. 


3rd International MiniPrint Hanoi Exhibition in Vietnam

2 of my miniprints, "Looking out" and "Window" were chosen by the jurors of the 3rd Hanoi MiniPrint Exhibition 2023. The exhibition opened at October 24th and continued till November 5th at the Vietnam University of Fine Arts in Hanoi. 


Kulturveckan (Culture week) in Ängelholm 2023

Together with printmakers from KKV Nv Skåne in Ängelholm we had an exhibition with graphic prints called "I luften" (In the air) in Galleri Kronohäktet during the culture week in Ängelholm.

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Made in Skåne 2023

Starting with Kulturnatten The jurored Made in Skåne exhibition took place at Spritan Exhibition Hall in Ödåkra-Väla, Helsingborg from September 30th till October 8th.


Soloexhibition Örkelljunga Culture House 2023

I was invited to have a solo exhibition

from the 7th of October - October 28th 2023.


30 year Jubilee Exhibition at Galleri Bluelight

2023 in Svalöv, Skåne, Sweden

From September 9th - 24th I was part of the juried 30 year 

Jubilee Exhibition at Galleri Bluelight in Svalöv.

There were more than 300 applicants where of 49 artist

 were selected by the jurors.

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11th Miniprint Kazanlak, Bulgaria 2023

I was chosen by the jurors to the 11th Miniprint International exhibition in Kazanlak, Bulgaria during the summer.

The exhibition opened June 1st and continued to July 31st.


FIIC Trento 2023 in Italy

During June 6th - July 6th the 6th FIIC 2023, the jurored International Festival of Contemporary Engraving, is held at Galileo Galilei Gallery by Spazio foyER in Trento in Italy. I'm happy to be the only Swedish printmaker that was chosen by the jurors for this exhibition.


Solo exhibition at Gallery Båstad & Bjäre Art Society in Båstad during March/April 2023

I was invited to have an exhibition at BBK Gallery (in Båstad Library & Culture house) together with Inga Modén (glassartist), between March 25th to April 26th.


Kullakonstnärer in Blå Hallen, Höganäs

Together with 16 artist colleagues from Kullakonstnärer in Kullabygden in Northwestern Skåne, I exhibited some prints in Blå Hallen in Höganäs during Friday 21st - Sunday 23rd 2023.


"Genom staden rinner en å" 2023

In the beginning of June 12 fellow artists from Konstnärernas Kollektivverkstad (KKV NV Skåne in Ängelholm) were exhibited in Galleri Kronohäktet. An exhibition where we all made our own interpretation and tribute to Rönne stream that runs  through Ängelholm city.

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Konstrundan Nordvästra Skåne 2023

I'm member of NVSK Konstrundan in Northwest Skåne since 2022 and I am a part of the real Konstrundan in Northwestern Skåne in the group exhibition in Landskrona Konsthall and I showed my prints during Konstrundan

between April 7th - 16th at Galleri Kronohäktet in Ängelholm.


"State of the world" 2023

On-line exhibition curated by Gmuender Kunstverein in Germany with 200 artists from 20 countries, where I was one of the two from Sweden

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Solo exhibition at Sölvesborg Konsthall 2023

I was invited by Sölvesborg Art Society for a solo exhibition from January 28th - February 19th 2023 in their own art gallery Sölvesborgs Konsthall. 

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"GRAFIK till 1000" - Örebro

A print exhibition with smaller prints at ÖLG Printstudio.

The exhibition connected to ÖLG yearly Open Printshop with the opening at October 23rd and it continued to

Nov 20th 2022. I'm very happy that my etching "The rising" was chosen for the exhibition poster.

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Julsalong Krapperup Konsthall 2022

A Christmas exhibition with artists from Kullakonstnärerna and open at November 26 - 27th, December 2 - 4th and 9 - 11 2022

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MiniPrint Cantabria Collection, Lublin, Poland

The Cantabria Collection of Santander Port Authority Art Fund in Faro Cabo Center was chosen to be exhibited at UMSC Art Gallery at the Lublin University, Lublin, Poland during October 20th - November 20th 2022.


18th Svart på Vitt triennial 2022

SvartpåVitt (Black and White Drawing Triennial) exhibition were open to artists in all over Sweden. More than 160 applications with drawings, sketches, printmaking in black and white only with 65 artists were chosen by the jurors that this year was headed by Bertil Vallien. This triennial is 52year old and is exhibited every third year.

The exhibition was open between October 1st - November 20th in Landskrona Konsthall.


11th BIMPE XI International MiniPrint Exhibition in Vancouver, Canada

A jurored exhibition with MiniPrints that was shown at Visual Space Gallery in Vancouver in Canada during November 2022. More than 500 applicants and below 10 from Sweden.


5th Bienal Internacional MiniPRINT 2022 by

Proyecte Arte in Laguna Paiva, Santa Fe, Argentina

A jurored exhibition with Proyecte Arte in Santa Fe during September - November 2022. More than 450 applicants with 184 chosen to participate where of 3 from Sweden. 

I was one of the 20 "Destacados" - Honorable Mention for outstanding work by the jurors. 


Exhibition in Gävle - October 15th - 30th 2022

Together with printmaking-colleagues in ÖLG (Örebro Läns Grafikgrupp) I was invited to exhibit at Gävle Konstgrafiker exhibition hall in Gävle. We were 17 printmakers working in different techniques exhibiting this time.

"Nu och Då" Cultureweek in Ängelholm 2022

A group exhibition with artist colleagues from KKV Nv Skåne in Ängelholm. The exhibition is shown at Galleri Kronohäktet at Tingstorget, Ängelholm and shows graphic printmaking, drawings, collages and ceramics where each artist have interpret the expression "Nu och då" (Now and then" in their own way.

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42nd Miniprint International Exhibition in Cadaques 2022 in Spain

The 42nd jurored exhibition opened June 25th - September 30th at Taller Galleria Fort in Cadaques and is also exhibited in Wingfield Barns in Wingfield, Surrey, UK during August - September and then goes further on to Pineda de Mar, Barcelona during November and after that to

Galeri L´Etang D´Art in Bages (just outside Narbonne) in France during December -22 to February -23.


21st LESSEDRA World Annual Art Print Exhibition 2022

A jurored groupexhibition at Lesser Art Gallery in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Vernissage were at June 15th and the exhibition continued till October 30th 2022.

Kulturnatten Höganäs 2022

Groupexhibition with fellow artists in Kullakonstnärerna.

10th Miniprint Exhibition Kazanlak 2022, Bulgaria

2022 marked the 10th anniversary, and as per our tradition the exhibition opened at June 1st during the Kazanlak Rose Festival cultural festivities and continued till June 30th.

The exhibition featured over 500 works from 40 countries around the world and I was one of the few Swedes accepted by the jurors.


Miracle at Jogja Gallery - exhibition June 11th - June 23rd 2022

A group exhibition at Jogja Gallery in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.


"Konst i kvadrat" May 31st - June 12th 2022

A groupexhibition at Gallery Kronohäktet in Ängelholm, together with other artists from KKV NV Skåne.


"Sommartryck" June 21st - July 3rd 2022

A groupexhibition at Gallery Kronohäktet in Ängelholm, together with artists from KKV NV Skåne.


Konstrundan 2022

I'm member of NVSK Konstrundan in Northwest Skåne from 2022

and I was a part of the real Konstrundan in Northwestern Skåne

in the group exhibition in Landskrona Konsthall as well as showed my prints during Konstrundan in Mölle Stationshus in Mölle.


ArtÖresund 2022, Spritan, Ödåkra-Väla, 

I was chosen, amongst more than 300 applicants, to participate in this juried exhibition at Spritfabriken (Spritan) in Ödåkra 10km north of Helsingborg. The exhibition opened with the vernissage 18-21 Friday March 25th and continued to April 9th. 

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Bendheim Gallery, Greenwich, Connecticut, USA - December 2021 -  January 2022


41st MiniPrint International Exhibition Cadaques 2021 in Spain, United Kingdom and France

The 41st exhibition were open June 26th - September 30th at Taller Galleria Fort in Cadaques and travelled from Cadaques on

to Wingfield Barns in Wingfield, Surrey, UK (exhibition between July 31st - September 5th) and further on to

Fundacio Tharrats d´Art Grafic in Pineda de Mar, Barcelona from end of October till mid November.

From November 16th to January 18th the exhibition were shown at Galeri L´Etang D´Art in Bages (just outside Narbonne) in France.

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4th International Mini Print Cantabria 2021

During August 31st - December 31st I had two miniprints  at the jurored 4th International Mini Print Cantabria exhibition at Fort Cabo Meyer Art Center in Santander, Cantabria, Spain


4th FIIC Festival Internazionale di Incisione Contemporanea 2021, Trento, Italy

My print "A new dawn, a new day, a new life" have been chosen by the jurors not only to be the one Swedish participant of the exhibition "Quarta Parete" FIIC 2021 in Trento, but also it is chosen to be 1of the finalists in the Quarta Parete competition. 

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10th International Graphic Triennial Bitola 2021

in Bitola, Macedonia


Christmas exhibition 2021 in Ängelholm

During "Skyltsöndagen" Nov 28th and 2 weekends in December (4-5th plus 11-12th)  I participated in an exhibition together with artists from KKV Northwest Skåne at Galleri Kronohäktet in Ängelholm. 


4th BIGC International Contemporary Engraving Biennial 2021 in Iasi, Romania

Happy to be one of three Swedish printmakers among 130 participants.


20th LESSEDRA World Art Annual Print Exhibition

2021 in Sofia, Bulgaria

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Exhibition during Kulturnatten 2021 in Höganäs 

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9th Miniprint Kazanlak 2021 Exhibition during June - August in Kazanlak, Bulgaria

During June - August my 3 prints have been selected by the jury of the 9th Miniprint Kazanlak exhibition.

450 prints from 150 printmakers in 35 countries all over the world. 6 artists from Sweden were accepted by the jurors. 

The grand opening was at June 6th. The exhibition takes place at Art Gallery of Kazanlak in Kazanlak, Bulgaria

13th Biennial International Miniature Print Exhibition 2021 in Norwalk, Connecticut, USA

During June 6th - August 29th my selected prints were exhibited at Grace Ross Shanley Gallery in Norwalk, Connecticut, USA together with 121 other artists from 15 countries worldwide.

This Biennial at the Center for Contemporary Printmaking is a juried exhibition coming every second year.

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4th JIMB 2021 (Jogja International Miniprint Biennial)

in Yogyakarta, Indonesia during July 2021

I was selected as finalist in the competition in the juried MiniPrint-exhibition 4th JIMB at R.J. Katamsi Gallery and later at The Indonesian Institute of Art in Indonesia. 73 international printmakers whereof me as the only Swedish printmaker and 12 Indonesian printmakers were selected to the final competition.

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My first solo exhibition 2021

This exhibition took place at Galleri Oscar, Lönhultsvägen 58 in Mjöhult between Viken, Höganäs and Jonstorp.

The exhibition opened on Saturday June 19th and had its finissage at Sunday July 4th.

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7th Annual "On Paper" International Printmaking Exhibition on-line in Oviedo, Spain

During June - August 2021 this on-line exhibition is an open event, including a award winning competition.


Summer exhibition Art-Inn Pop-up Galleri

in July 2021 

This summer, different artists from KKV Nv Skåne, exhibited different artworks - Prints, Paintings, Sculptures etc. during three different periods (June, July and August) at

the Art-Inn Pop-Up Galleri at Storgatan 26 in Ängelholm.

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Group exhibition Galleri Kronohäktet, Ängelholm

Tuesday May 25th - Saturday June 5th 2021 I parted in a group exhibition at Galleri Kronohäktet in Ängelholm together with fellow artists from KKV NV Skåne (Konstnärernas Kollektivverkstad Nordvästra Skåne). 


Grafikutställning (Printmaking Exhibition) at Galleri Moment, Ängelholm in April 2021

From April 10th I exhibited six different prints together with some printmaking colleagues att KKV NV Skåne (Konstnärernas Kollektivverkstad i Ängelholm) in Galleri Moment (for the moment in Gamla Rådhuset) at Stortorget in Ängelholm.


19th LESSEDRA World Art Annual Print Exhibition 2020 in Sofia, Bulgaria continues through January -21 

The exhibition, both on-line and in real life received extended time to January 31th.

At this International Juried exhibition in Lessedra Art Gallery in Sofia more than 600 artists from 38 countries applied.

200 were chosen and I was one of the 3 lucky ones from Sweden. 

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MINI-GRAFIK exhibition November 7th - December 15th 2020 in Örebro, Sweden

From November 7th I took part of the Mini-Grafik exhibition at Örebro County Printmaking Group on Tullängsgatan 4 in Örebro, Sweden.

The exhibition showed prints made by 22 memberartists of ÖLG (Örebro Läns Grafikgrupp) and I am happy and proud to be able to say that Regart - Region Örebro Art Association have purchased one of my prints.

To the right are my six prints - all of them etchings in three or more colours. They can be seen under "My pictures" and "Miniprints".


4th Bienal Internacional Miniprint 2020 in Santa Fe, Argentina

from October 23rd throughout November - I, as one of two Swedish printmakers, took part in the juried

Miniprint exhibition by Proyecte-Arte in Laguna Paiva in Santa Fe, Argentina. Amongst 195 artists and printmakers

I'm very proud to say that my print "See the light" has been given the award Outstanding ("Destacados").

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40th MiniPrint International in Cadaques, Spain 2020 in Cadaques, in Barcelona and in Bages, France 

The MiniPrint International Organisation has its origin in Cadaques and is the biggest MiniPrint competition in the world with the biggest MiniPrint Collection at Taller Galeria Fort. The small village of Cadaques is situated at the coast north of Barcelona and host the MiniPrint International competition for the 40th time! The exhibition travelled from Cadaques on to Fundacio Tharrats d´Art Grafic in Pineda de Mar, Barcelona from end of October till mid November. From November 29th - January 17th the exhibition was at Galeri d´Etang D´Art in Bages (just outside Narbonne) in France

Culture week in Ängelholm - with the theme "TID" (TIME) October 2020

In the end of October there were several cultural happenings during Culture Week all over Ängelholm where artists from KKV NV Skåne, had an exhibition in Galleri Kronohäktet in Ängelholm.


8th Kazanlak MiniPrint International Exhibition 2020 August 27th - September 31st

A juried and International wellknown exhibition of mini-prints in the Art Gallery of Kazanlak in Kazanlak, Bulgaria. The exhibition opened with a vernissage on August 27th and continued til September 31st. 

4th International Printmaking Triennal, Belgrade in June - September 2020

The fourth International Printmaking Triennal - a yearly exhibition in order to promote printmaking and present contemporary printmakers from different cultural backgrounds. More than 400 artist from 43 countries applied for the Triennal and the pandemic coronavirus changed the plan for the actual exhibition in Belgrad and organized instead a virtual exhibition including the three award-winning artists from the 3rd International Printmaking Triennal amongst this years selected artists. This years exhibition started at June 30th and continued throughout September..

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ENGRAVIST - International Virtual Engravist Printmaking Biennal, Turkey 2020

A virtual graphic printmaking exhibition run by Engravist Organisation in Istanbul, Turkey. Due to the Covid-19 times this turned into a virtual exhibition using 7 different galleries. Engravist was a juror chosen printmaking biennal and from thousands of artists 600 artists from 54 countries were chosen - and I was one of two lucky ones from Sweden. The exhibition took place during June - September 2020. Below the pictures You can click on the Engravist Catalogue - my picture was exhibited in the Burgundy Hall and is to be seen on page 354.

Pandemic transgrafia 2020 - by International Print Trienniale Society Krakow

During mid April - June (possibly longer) I was a part of the on-line exhibition dedicated to the Covid-19 virus pandemi,

called Pandemic Transgrafia -20. It was an exhibition open for printmakers all over the world. 


SOMMARUTSTÄLLNING at Art-Inn in Ängelholm

We, the artists at KKV NorthWest Skåne had during summer a 

Pop-Up Gallery called Art-Inn, where our art was exhibited in 2 week periods from June 15th to August 31st with different artists.

The first period was June 15th - 27th where a mix of Graphic prints, Paintings, Ceramic art and Textiles was exhibited.


10th International Triennal of Small Graphic Forms 2020 in Vilnius, Lithuania

This jurored printmaking exhibition took place between March 10th - April 4th at Vilnius Graphic Art Centre in Vilnius, Lithuania.

The International Triennial of Small Graphic Forms in Vilnius has been held since 1994. This year's exhibition had more than 250 applicants and the jurors selected works by 81 artists from 19 countries around the world and I was lucky enough to have 4 prints chosen. The biggest contributing artist countries were Lithuania, Poland, Sweden, Japan and Belgium.

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"TRE KOPPARGRAFIKER" at Galleri Kronohäktet, Tingstorget in Ängelholm Feb 21st - March 1st 2020

an exhibition with 2 other artist colleagues from the KKV NV Skåne Printstudio in Ängelholm.

We showed graphic pictures printed from copperplates on high qualitative print paper during end of February in to March 1st.

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BIGAI 2019 - 1st International Biennal of Engraving and Printed Art - for little formats.

This juror decided exhibition took place at the Superior Museum of Fine Arts of Evita Ferreyra Palace in Cordoba, Argentina. It started at March 20th and continued for a month over Easter. 

The exhibition showed two different parts - Student exhibition and Professional exhibition and I had two prints exhibited at the exhibition for Professional printmakers.


5th International Biennial of Small Etching - Graphium in Timisoara, Romania 2019/2020

At the 5th edition of GRAPHIUM in Timisoara, Romania there were 132 participants chosen by the jurors. I was one of the two selected Swedish participants and all of my three pictures were chosen to be displayed from mid December 2019 to the end of January 2020.


12th Biennal International Miniature Print Exhibition 2019/20

between December 5th - January 9th 2020 at The Bendheim Gallery by Greenwich Art Council in Greenwich, Connecticut, USA


New York International Miniature Print Exhibition 2019 at Manhattan Graphic Center in New York City - in November 2019.


"Crossing borders" - BIBP 2019

The 3rd Bucharest International Print Biennale in Romania. From November 16th - December 21st at Muzeul National al Literaturii Române in Bucharest.


"LUFT" - a group exhibition with artists from Konstnärernas Kollektivverkstad in Northwest Skåne.

During the culture week in Skåne, Sweden. Open from October 25th - November 1st 2019 at Galleri Kronohäktet in Ängelholm.

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39th Mini Print International Exhibition 2019 - Travel-exhibition in Spain, United Kingdom and France

in Cadaques, Spain June 29th - September 30th at Wingfield Barns Gallery, Wingfield, UK  July 13th - September 1st,

at Fundació Tharrats d´Art Gràfic in Pineda de Mar (Barcelona) October 11th - November 3rd and

in Galleria L'Etang d'Art in Bages, France November 16th - January 19th.       

The MiniPrint International has its origin in Cadaques and there is the biggest MiniPrint Collection in the world at Taller Galleria Fort. The small village of Cadaques is situated at the coast north of Barcelona and is village where Salvador Dali spent many years of his life. It  has a great Salvador Dali museum.

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12th Biennal International Miniprint Exhibition June 2nd - September 1st in 2019

At the Center for Contemporary Printmaking I exhibited 3 Miniprints at the juried 12th Biennal International Miniprint Exhibition in Norwalk, Connecticut during June 2nd - September 1st (extended from August 25th). Later during 2019 this exhibition travelled to Bendheim Gallery in Greenwich.

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Vidgade Vyer - KKV Printstudio Members groupexhibition June 29th - July 10th 2019

at June 29th - July 10th we had an exhibition at Galleri Kronohäktet in Ängelholm. The vernissage were at Saturday

13.00 - 18.00 on July 29th. This exhibition was a mix of the artists connected to KKV Printstudio and a mix of different types of art,

not only graphic prints.

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A juried spring exhibition with artists from Northwest Skåne shown at Krapperup Gallery, Höganäs, Skåne, Sweden.


© 2019 by gnART

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